Buying a house for you is a dream of every individual. This is the reason why people work so hard to save some money for their house. Buying a house is not an easy affair. You need to save a huge amount or at least make sure you are eligible for the loan your house costs. There are also some legal procedures included in it. Going through all this process is really a tiring experience. As the prices of the house are touching skies so saving money for it gets really difficult.
Delhi is the national capital of India. The city offers great business as well as job opportunities. This is the reason why today many people migrate to Delhi and looking for their bread earning opportunities. This is the reason why buying a house in Delhi is really important for so many people. Buying a house in Delhi is not easy as the rates of the retail sectors are extremely high. For the people who are struggling to save money for their house in Delhi can benefit themselves with Delhi Awas Yojna 2019. It is a housing scheme offered by the government. The scheme offers brand new as well as cost effective housing opportunities to the individuals. The housing plan is the part of the master plan created for Delhi for the year 2021. The scheme offers Housing for all in Delhi. The basic motto of the scheme is to provide people a good lifestyle. The flats offered in this scheme are available just for Rs. 18.45 Lakh. The scheme is open to all and anyone from any profession can apply for house in the scheme.
The booking in New Delhi awas yojna process is quite easy. You can buy the booking application just for Rs. 200. The best part about this housing scheme is it supports woman empowerment. 33% of these houses are reserved for woman owners.