Delhi Dehat Vikas Munch delegation met MP Udit Raj (Representing the North-west Delhi constituency) and requested to expedite Land Pooling Policy implementation. As an outcome, MP Dr. Udit Raj to represent farmers, and Union Ministry of Urban Development and DDA to represent state central and Kejriwal is being requested to represent Delhi Government.
Mr.Udit Raj said that in upcoming month he will schedule a meeting with Delhi Government. Meeting main agenda will be fast track LPP by urbanizing 89 villages and declaring 95 villages as development area and where Delhi government wants land, along with purpose. As farmers are not happy in spite of giving assurance Talk to AK, no concrete has taken on this high priority agenda. This step will reduce the vagueness of land pooling policy. Now we just have to see that how Mr. Udit will succeed in persuading to Delhi Government. It is estimated that farmers will get relief on matter of land pooling policy. Delhi Land Pooling Policy will benefit not only farmers and mango people but also to the state income would be. Hopefully soon we will get some favorable news about the approval of land pooling policy from the state government.